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A Reflection on the Existence of God

Impact 360 Fellows has been an environment that has intentionally engaged the Christian mind in the context of a Christ-like community. Fellows are taught to think critically and to engage ideas before believing them as true. Throughout our module surrounding the topic of the Existence of God with Dr. Frank Turek, I had the opportunity to think critically about my faith and to dive deep into the reasons for why I believe what I believe. 1 Peter 3:15 summarizes the idea behind apologetics (a defense for one’s faith) by stating, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” Through reading I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist and Dr. Turek’s teaching, I learned of the evidence God has left behind for mankind to discover. This evidence points to the truth of his existence as a space-less, timeless, immaterial, eternal, personal, loving, and omnipotent being.

All the guest professors that we have had the privilege to engage with have been phenomenal, however this module and learning with Dr. Frank Turek certainly stood out to me. Dr. Turek held an style that was entertaining, yet focused; he made difficult concepts easy to understand, and maintained a personal manner with the Fellows. How often do you have a guest professor that wants to play ultimate frisbee with you and eat meals with you to answer your questions and talk about life?

The teaching on the Existence of God and the content with the text, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, certainly helped me see that the evidence for Christianity stands tall above the rest of the worldviews. In summary of some of Dr. Turek’s major points, there exists three major arguments which point to the reality of God. The first is the cosmological argument (origins). How can you get something from nothing without a creator? The second is the teleological argument (design). How can all the complexities of the universe (fine-tuning) and life happen by mere chance? The third is the moral argument, this would ask the question, how can objective morality exist without an objective moral law-giver who is the standard of goodness?

These arguments helped me see that it is much more reason to believe that God exists than to believe that he doesn’t, which greatly strengthened my faith. It also helped me see how to remove the Bible from my defense of my faith so that I can better interact with ideas from opposing worldviews.

Throughout my semester at Impact, I have learned that the world’s faith is blind faith (belief without seeing), but the Christian faith is trusting that God is who He says He is and that He’ll do what He says He’ll do, based on what one knows about God’s nature. The Christian faith is not a blind faith. It’s based on our rationality and evidence that God has left behind for humans to discover, which point to the reality of His existence. Throughout my time in the Fellows program, I’ve been taught to get a shovel and start digging for answers by engaging my mind to search for the truth, because ultimately, I will find God at the bedrock of my search.

With confidence,

Jeremy Lun – Impact 360 Fellows Class XIII


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