: a position as an apprentice: an arrangement in which someone learns an art, trade, or job under another
Authentic Community
We were never meant to do this life alone or feel isolated. We need each other to sharpen, push, encourage, celebrate, pray for, and believe in us. We need people around us who will see us as God sees us, and choose to not let us stay the same. Impact 360 Fellows is created to facilitate intentional, Biblical community and foster life-long relationships of speaking truth with grace.
We are shaped by the people and culture around us. An invitation into life-on-life discipleship is a challenge to living life together and learn from one another in everyday tasks and rhythms. When we become disciples of Jesus we are called to walk in a way that invites others to do the same. Fellows equips students to create patterns in their lives where they are seeking wisdom and opportunities to influence the lives of others.
Spiritual Formation
Becoming more like Jesus means choosing to walk in his ways and become like him. We invite change into every aspect of our lives by cultivating rhythms of transformation, so we take on the character of Christ. When our character is rooted in Jesus, we influence those around us and bring glory to God.
Located in Pine Mountain, GA
18-20 Years of Age
Leadership Training
Biblical Worldview Studies
Vocational Coaching and Assessments
18 Transferable College Credits
Holistic learning inside and outside the classroom
Transformation through Discipleship
Local Service Projects
One Month International Immersion Experience
Spiritual Formation