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If God, Why Evil? Live-Streaming Event Tue. Dec. 10 w/ Frank Turek

You’ve asked that question. We all have. And you have probably fumbled over answering it to your friends with little or no faith. Tuesday Night from 7:00 – 8:30pm (EST) on December 10th, Dr. Frank Turek will address this question live at the campus of IMPACT 360 or live from the comfort of your ipad on Ustream. Tweet us your questions to @impact360 .

Go to this URL to view on your computer.

If you want to view on a mobile device, Ustream offers an app in the iTunes store.

(About the Speaker) Dr. Frank Turek is a dynamic speaker and award-winning author or coauthor of three books. As the President of, Mr. Turek impacts young and old alike at colleges, high schools and churches with hard yet entertaining evidence for Christianity. He hosts a hour long TV program each week called I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist and has appeared on many TV and radio programs including: The O’Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes, Faith under Fire, Politically Incorrect and Focus on the Family.

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