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Inviting Collaboration into Your Leadership

One of the untruths people often believe is that when you are a leader you have all the answers.

Not only is that untrue, but it’s also likely to self-destruct.

The best leaders seek fresh input and are willing to critically assess their own ideas and presuppositions.

This is a fundamental need because of the irony that once you are the leader you will receive less real-time and candid feedback about what is going on in the team and the organization.

Inviting collaboration with team members and direct reports is one method of testing against internal biases and reality evaluating your thinking.

True collaboration is built on trust so you must be willing to invest relational equity in others to build your feedback loop.

Here are some steps you can employ to create an atmosphere of collaboration with your teammates.

Leadership in a vacuum is doomed to eventually fail. As leaders, you will openly want to invite, look for, start, and receive collaboration. It takes time, sometimes even time and energy you may not feel you have, but the return is a more sustainable and successful team culture under your leadership.

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