Defending Your Faith at College
Your student’s college career is about to begin. You have worked together to discern the best school and course of study. Your sights are set on a day a few years from now that will mark the beginning of fully-prepared, independent adulthood for your son or daughter. All that separates your student from that milestone…
Rats in the Cellar
As we look back on what we’ve done and what has been accomplished this semester, it is incredible to realize the sheer number of activities in which we’ve engaged as a community. We’ve faithfully attended highly rigorous worldview classes, debated each other mercilessly in Thursday wrap-up sessions, served weekly in the local Pine Mountain community,…
A Spiritual Conversation
This semester, the Fellows were tasked with interviewing a friend on their worldviews to practice having spiritual conversations. I knew that my friend was interested in going into worship ministry, so I thought it would be beneficial to get a rough view of where she was spiritually. We met up at a local coffee shop to hang out and go through the list of twenty questions…