Practicing Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual Rhythms was a four-day retreat for Fellows Class 18 to cultivate habits of spiritual discipline and take in the beauty of creation. Spiritual discipline is training for shalom (the way things ought to be) in which both the Holy Spirit and you have to participate. The ever-growing intimacy of Class 18 was evident in…
Restoring Shalom, Our Prince of Peace
Advent offers up an invitation for us to reflect on God’s faithfulness and goodness, His covenant of peace, and His ultimate plan to restore all things through Jesus. Amid the lights, decorations, songs, and food, the deeper truth of Christmas reminds us that God is actively working to bring shalom to the world. In Scripture,…
How is God working in Brazil?
As Christians we know that God is always working through us, but we often forget that He is also working through people all over the world. This past week in Brazil has been a fresh reminder to our team that God is omnipresent and He is the God of every tribe, tongue, and nation. In…