The Reason for the Season: Jesus Came to Give Life
Think about the best Christmas gift that you’ve ever received. If you’re like me, your memory probably goes to a gift that you received as a child. I have a twin brother and a younger sister, so our most exciting gift every year was often one that we shared. One year it was a ping-pong…
Three Steps Toward Having A Needed, Yet Difficult, Conversation
One of the hard pieces of work in leadership is being the one who often has to have difficult conversations with individual team members. While difficult, when done effectively it can be a defining mark of a strong leader. Difficult conversations can cover a variety of topics. It may be as “easy” as coaching a…
Who is Class 18?
We are two weeks into the year, and Fellows Class 18 has gotten off to an amazing start. The invested staff at Impact 360 and the intentional programming provide a framework in which we students can shine, and we are taking advantage of this opportunity. Class 18 is made up of 85 students. We…