Christian Gap Year?
One thing I’m always challenged by in talking with interested parents, prospective students, and pastors is what kind of language best describes the kind of education Impact 360 Fellows, Impact 360 Institute’s Gap year delivers. What DO we deliver? 18 hours of accredited college-level coursework, Biblical worldview education, one-month serving overseas, intensive leadership training, and vocational…
Monday on a Thursday?
A lot of people are probably confused today. They keep hearing that it’s “Monday Thursday,” and are thinking they’ve missed a universal memo about changing the days of the week! Well, rest easy, friends. There’s no such thing as Monday Thursday. It’s Maundy… Thursday. Still confused? Maundy Thursday is a special day for us to…
Jesus Transforma
This past week, my team has had the pleasure of serving in both Christolandia and Agua Viva. Through both the main lesson, I think God has been trying to show me the joy that comes from being transformed by Christ. While at Christolandia, all the students of the program had the same slogan written on…