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Serving those in need…

I love to serve! It’s just one thing I am truly passionate about and enjoy. But this particular day I was so excited about Preview Weekend at IMPACT, because I am also passionate about representing and talking about IMPACT 360. So, although I was excited about the idea to serve- part of me really wanted to stay back at campus and hopefully pour into the visiting kids. But so quickly I forget, that what I do is solely for the sake of letting Christ shine out of me through serving… wherever that it is. It was so awesome to serve at this place. Because I got to go with some of my Impact community, but we were also diving into the local community and representing Christ and Impact to them!! We prepared bags of food for families who could not otherwise afford supplies enough for a Thanksgiving feast. We were in a big gym, where there was a circle of tables bordering the walls. Each table was manned by one or two people who would place different ingredients into bags that we were holding as we went around the circles. And as we completed each bag we went through a line in the middle of the gym to tie up the group of bags that made up the meal we had just compiled. We began by putting together bags that had enough food to feed a family of 1, then 2, 3, all the way up to 8 or 9. So as we moved into the next number group we got more and more excited. It was a fun atmosphere to be in because everyone in the gym was talking and laughing with each other. For a while some of us from Impact were preparing the bags for people to go through the line with. The bags had to be doubled up so that they could withstand the weight of the food they had to carry. So while we were pulling bags out of boxes and doubling them up I did not watch the progress of how many bags were being tied up to be delivered. Finally, after a long time, I looked up and saw rows and rows of bags filled with food. It was so awesome to see the gym floor covered in bags that would give families a meal to eat as they celebrated Thanksgiving. I think that was my favorite moment of the afternoon! So many of us came together to give up just a few hours of our morning to bring show so many people the love of Christ through helping to provide for their needs.

In His arms,
Class of 2010
Kim Bazel

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