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The Global Church

“South Africa is the best of both worlds, you get to serve the local community and see the amazing mountains and beaches at the same time. It’s also so prevalent how God is moving in this country through its people.” – Carson

I’ve heard it said that we have more in common with a fellow believer in Jesus from an entirely different culture than another American who does not believe in God. Our experiences with the universal church across the Atlantic can testify to the truth of that statement.

Arriving in Cape Town, South Africa our team expected to find many differences cultural differences and of course we found some. But we also found things that are similar, the things that are universal – the image of God written across our brothers and sister’s faces; the joy of the Lord echoing as we sing in Xhosa and English, kingdom fellowship found in a shared meal between strangers. These are the things that have left the deepest impressions on our hearts.

We have learned so many names that we will not hear again until Christ reunites us all. We await hearing the conclusions to the stories we witnessed God writing here.

Cultural distinctives aside, we witnessed the power of God displayed through everyday obedience, generosity, compassion and submission. For Class 19 the meaning of “every nation, tribe and tongue” has been renewed.

Alannah Dormer
Class XIX Fellow

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