: to exercise the powers of judgment, conception, or inference; to have the mind engaged in reflection
: something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality
: to treat or deal with in any way typically with the sense of preparation or with that of care or attention
Life of the Mind
Knowledge is paramount to understanding who God is, what His plans are, and to have a vibrant and influential life. By learning how to think, engage in spiritual conversations, and ask good questions, we are encouraging the Fellows to cultivate their minds and pursue goodness and truth. Discussion-based classroom studies and experiential learning opportunities prepare Fellows to focus on their relationship with God, strengthen their faith, and test and clarify their worldview, so they are equipped to understand who they are now and what they dream for the future.
Calling + Vocation
Because all truth is God’s truth, we reject the idea that reality is to be carved up into the artificial categories of sacred and secular. As Christ-followers, we are called to live every aspect of our lives under God’s authority and for God’s glory. Through coaching and assessments, Fellows are guided in understanding their God-given, unique strengths and skills. We believe that each vocation is useful for the Kingdom of God. It is just as important to have Christ-centered teachers, doctors, and graphic designers as it is to have pastors, missionaries, and ministry professionals.
Experiential Learning
Where and how we learn is not confined to the inside of four walls. Some of the best ways we learn are when we are experiencing life hands-on. We will go our whole life learning - learning about God, about ourselves, and about others. A life of learning includes getting out of the classroom and into the real world. Fellows engage in off-campus experiences designed to help leverage their training and grow their influence.
Located in Pine Mountain, GA
18-20 Years of Age
Leadership Training
Biblical Worldview Studies
Vocational Coaching and Assessments
18 Transferable College Credits
Holistic learning inside and outside the classroom
Transformation through Discipleship
Local Service Projects
One Month International Immersion Experience
Spiritual Formation