Fellows - Impact 360 Institute

Impact 360 Fellows

Impact 360 Fellows is a trusted Christian gap year experience designed to prepare the next generation of Christian leaders for the path ahead. Spend nine months deepening your biblical worldview, building confidence in your beliefs, developing spiritual rhythms, serving others locally and globally, and preparing for a life of Spirit-empowered influence—all while forming a strong network of fellow believers to journey with.

Program Features

Know Jesus more deeply
Challenge yourself to think well about deep concepts about scripture and your faith. Learn how to think, not what to think. Develop your understanding of what God has revealed about reality and why Christianity is true and be prepared to give a reason for the hope we have in Jesus.
Be transformed in your character
This is the Christian life; as Jesus' apprentices in Kingdom living, we are with him learning to be like him. At Impact 360 Fellows, deepen your faith alongside others who are committed to growing their relationship with God and others. As you grow in what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, discover more of who you are, how you were made, and how you fit into God’s story.
Live with Spirit-empowered influence
Faith is meant to move us to action. Be equipped as a disciple who makes disciples. Discover what it means to lead with a heart of service. Serve on campus, in the local community, and internationally. Learn from the example of Jesus how to be a true leader by serving sacrificially, loving deeply, and boldly proclaiming truth.


"It is no longer someone else's job to worry about the next generation and what kind of leaders they will be. It is our responsibility as Christian leaders to work to produce young people who are grounded in Truth and who are willing to influence the world by living Christ-focused lives. Impact 360 offers a program designed to meet this challenge, and believe me, the next generation of leaders will be better because of it."

Josh McDowell
Apologist and Author of “Evidence That Demands a Verdict,” and more

I can't think of anything better between high school and the college years than to set aside time to discover God, explore the world and fine-tune your vision for the rest of your life. That's what Impact 360 is all about, combining great teaching with practical experience preparing your role in God's amazing story.

Louie Giglio
Pastor, Passion City Church, Passion Conferences, sixsteps records

Anyone can possess knowledge, but leaders are those who have been inspired to use what they know to do great things. Our world is in desperate need of the next-generation of Christian leaders that Impact 360 Institute trains both inside and outside of the classroom. If you are a young leader who desires to leverage your service to help the world come to know and experience Jesus, then Impact 360 Institute is the right place for you.

Dan T. Cathy
Chairman, Chick-fil-A

Impact 360 Fellows

Learn More About Impact 360 Fellows

Impact 360 Fellows is a Christian gap year experience intentionally designed to prepare you for the path ahead. Invest nine months deepening your relationship with God, serve others, build intentional community, and discern God’s call in your life. Receive leadership training from Chick-fil-A® Inc., experience international ministry for one month, and sharpen in your faith in community.
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