Immersion - Impact 360 Institute


Impact 360 Immersion is a 2-week transformational worldview and apologetics experience for high school students where they will learn what they believe, why they believe it, and how to navigate a post-Christian culture as followers of Jesus. At Immersion, students will learn from some of the best minds in biblical worldview and apologetics. They will also engage in powerful times of worship. This is paired with incredibly fun excursions to make memories that last a lifetime. Immersion isn't just a summer camp, it's a chance to dive into your faith and make it your own.

Program Features

The Art of Spiritual Conversation
Our culture is full of soundbites and slogans. Many of these slogans often shut Christians down before they can engage. This unique experience gives students confidence and hands-on training in how to use questions to guide conversations with friends, family, and teachers in a spiritually productive way.
Leading Together
Life is a team sport and leadership requires community. Through fun, high energy experiences like the tree-top zip line adventure and whitewater rafting, students will learn how to leverage their unique personalities, work together with their peers toward a common vision, and learn how to overcome adversity together.
Engaging other Worldviews
Our faculty and staff will guide students as they visit a Mosque, and a secular university. We will interact with those who believe differently than we do about God and spirituality. Afterwards we will share what we learned from this worldview experience together and then address any challenging questions encountered. This confidence building experience is a favorite of our students.



Impact 360 Immersion

This Summer, Own Your Faith.

Two weeks: High School